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Michael Conway Baker

Michael Conway Baker - Inductee Headshot
Michael Conway Baker - Inductee Headshot

Michael Conway Baker was born in West Palm Beach, Florida, on March 13, 1937. The son of vaudeville and radio comedian Phil Baker, he showed great aptitude for music from an early age. In 1958, after high school graduation, Baker moved to Vancouver, his mother ‘s native city. He passed the external examinations of the London College of Music, and studied composition at with Jean Coulthard and Elliot Weisgarber, and received a Bachelor of Music (UBC) in 1966. Baker became a Canadian citizen in 1970, and earned a Master of Arts degree from Western Washington State College in Bellingham, in 1972. Michael Conway Baker’s concert music, is comprised of over 150 works,. Baker’s music includes films such as John and the Missus, The Grey Fox and Savage Land (with lyricist Penny Anne Baker). Baker’s Fanfare for Expo 86, and scores for the film Discovery, at the British Columbia Pavilion, and Island in Space, for the United Nations pavilion were featured prominently at Expo 86 in Vancouver. 

His works include a concerto for flute and strings, a piano concerto, two symphonies and a full-length ballet, Washington Square (Henry James) for the National Ballet of Canada. Cinderella is on his list of favorite works, among his Symphony No. 1 (“Highland”) (1977), the Concerto for Piano & Chamber Orchestra (1976), Concerto for Flute & String Orchestra (1974), Counterplay, for Viola & String Orchestra (1971), and The Flight of Aphrodite (1993) for violin and orchestra. He also singles out his score for the Disney film One Magic Christmas.


Genie Award for The Grey Fox 1983.

Order of British Columbia 1997

Genies (3X) (Canadian Music Academy Awards) for best film music

ACTRA award for best music in a television series

ACTRA seven nominations

Juno 1991

Groves Dictionary of Music 2005

Queens Golden Jubilee Medal 2003

BC Entertainment Hall of Fame 2006

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