Founded in 1966 by Luman and Arlyn Coad, the Coad Canada Puppets’ first major project was “Master Peter’s Puppet Show” with the Vancouver Symphony Orchestra. For over thirty five years, the Coad Canada Puppets toured elementary schools throughout the Province of British Columbia and introduced young audiences to the magic of theatre. Arlyn and Luman Coad toured internationally with most of the extended tours under the sponsorship of the Canadian Dept of External Affairs. The Coads won numerous prestigious awards including both the President’s and the Trustees’ Awards from the Puppeteers of America. Coad Canada Puppets also were awarded eight Citations of Excellence from the American Centre of l’Union International de la Marionette. Arlyn Coad died in 1999 and Luman established the Arlyn Award. This award is given for outstanding puppet theatre design. Luman Coad continues to perform and to mentor upcoming puppeteers. The Coad Canada Puppets were inducted into the BC Entertainment Hall of Fame in 2006.