Celeste Evans was born December 31, 1931 in White Rock, BC, Canada. She was captivated by the art of magic at an early age. At the age of nine performed her first sleight-of-hand effect, throwing knots into silkIn 1952, Celeste left Canada to entertain Commonwealth troops in Korea and Japan under the auspices of the Canadian Legion. While touring with country and western groups, she was called to appear on the nationwide show “Pick the Stars”, her first nationwide television appearance. In New York she became a regular on “the Paul Winchell Show”, “Arthur Godfrey”, “The Ed Sullivan Show” and “To Tell the Truth”, as well as on the Barbara Walter’s show, “Not For Women Only”. It was on “To Tell the Truth” that Celeste escaped from a straightjacket in nine seconds and won the thousand dollar award! She then played the Palace in NY. After touring widely in the United States, in 1957 Celeste was called on by the United Nations to tour Africa, Celeste was then asked to represent The John F. Kennedy Cultural Exchange in a tour of the Near East and Indonesia. Celeste than settled in Chicago where she toured regularly throughout the country, particularly on the Playboy Club circuit, Las Vegas and myriad other clubs in the US. Celeste wed Harry Breyn of Breyn Management, a theatrical agency based in Illinois. When Harry passed away in 1984, Celeste took over Breyn Management and successfully operated the business until she retired in 2003. Celeste lives in St. Petersburg, Florida.