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Rickey Mann

Rickey Mann has been an integral part of the entertainment family in this city as well as the entire Vancouver lower mainland. Having performed with Dal Richards, Lorraine McAllister, Gillian Campbell, Bobby Hales, Eleanor Collins, Harry Thomas (the Squeakin’ Deacon), Evan Kemp and David Foster, just to name a few, he also did regular spots at the Kitsilano Showboat, PNE and TUTS throughout his lifetime. The newspapers always kept the population informed of his successes as he travelled throughout the Orient during the ’60’s and ’70’s. Rickey trained with Dr. Allard DeRitter and worked extensively at Isy’s Supper Club & the Cave Night Club. He led the house band for a year at Hyatt Regency’s Odyssey Room. Known primarily for his style and dazzle with the ‘Cordovox’ (electronic accordion), Rickey is also a piano virtuoso. He delighted audiences in a variety of lounges throughout BC and Alberta with the duets of “Fraser & Mann” and “2-Way”. He has written musical scores for CBC and two full-length movie productions. He also starred in the CBC productions “The 3 Faces of Mann”. Rickey has settled into the Piano tuning field as well as accordion repairs but still has time for the occasional piano gig for organizations such as Crimestoppers or the Minoru Residence of the Richmond Hospital.

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