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Dave McCormick

Big Daddy’ Dave McCormick was born on June 6, 1936. McCormick has been in the game since he was a teenage radio operator working after school and weekends at CHML in Hamilton in 1954-56. McCormick left the job when his father was transferred to the West Coast though he never lost his interest in radio. Following high school and…
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Peter McCoppin

For 30 years, Peter McCoppin has been acknowledged as an inspiring speaker and a respected host/broadcaster on national, regional, and local television and radio in Canada and the U.S.A. Peter McCoppin has hosted programs on national, regional, and local television and radio in Canada and on public radio in the U.S.A. In BC, he hosted…
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Gail McCance

Gail McCance was born on December 18, 1924 in North Vancouver A set designer on Broadway, a production designer for the movies, a veteran of 90 Theatre Under The Stars (TUTS) productions and an original founder of the Vancouver Opera Association, the Edgemont Village resident has a lifetime of memories behind him. He was 12 when…
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Terry McBride

Terry McBride was born in1960 in Vancouver, British Columbia. He is one of the three founding owners of Canada’s largest independent record labels, Nettwerk Productions, which includes Nettwerk Records (record label) Nettwerk Management (artist, DJ and Producer management), Music Publishing Nettmedia (web and dvd design) Artwerks (graphic and fashion design). Terry is the CEO of…
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