It’s with great excitement we share that BC Entertainment Hall of Fame Inductee Christopher Gaze will be appearing in the role of Frosch the jailer in Vancouver Opera’s production of Die Fledermaus. Johann Strauss’ delightful opera will be irresistible fun, they have a wonderful cast of singers, and we hope you’ll really enjoy it. The…
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by Craig Takeuchi, Georgia Straight, Sep 19, 2014 The founder of the Vancouver International Film Festival and former local movie theatre operator, Leonard Schein, will be inducted into the BC Entertainment Hall of Fame on a fitting date: the gala opening of the 33 rd edition of the festival on September 25. Schein is a…
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by Ursula Maxwell-Lewis – Cloverdale Reporter Aug 27, 2014 VANCOUVER, B.C. – Despite rusty singing and dancing skills (putting it politely), I sauntered confidently onto Vancouver’s vintage Orpheum Theatre stage last week. No one applauded. When Vancouver PhotoWalks, an online photography MeetUp, reserved a private two-hour tour to ‘shoot’ the interior of this historic Vancouver landmark…
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Christopher Cheung / Vancouver Courier August 14, 2014 During a performance at the Orpheum Theatre two years ago, Tony Bennett told musicians to put their instruments down, asked for all sound equipment to be turned off and sang “Fly Me to the Moon” a cappella. Bennett told Vancouverites to hang on to their special theatre on…
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NEWS 1130John Streit July 24, 2014 VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – You gaze at its majestic grandeur today on Granville Street and marvel that this was almost torn down in the ’70s and turned into a multiplex. Luckily, the 1927 Orpheum Theatre – orginally built as a moviehouse – is still with us and continues to attract…
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