Born to a Canadian Serviceman from Texada Island and avisual artist from Nottingham, England, David Ross was aman of rare sensibilities. For 20 years, after graduating fromthe University of Victoria, he crossed Canada, teaching,acting, directing and producing theatre. In Newfoundland, heco-founded Rising Tide Theatre. As Artistic Producer ofWestern Canada Theatre in Kamloops from 1984 until 2009,Ross was committed to bringing quality theatre to the peopleof his community and telling the BC story. He commissionedand produced the original stageplays Flying Phil, The Maclean Boys, The Trialsof Eddie Haymour, Scandal: The Robert Sommers Story and ErnestineShuswap Gets Her Trout. Ross encouraged, inspired, mentored and toiled forcountless theatre hopefuls and organizations leaving a rich and lasting legacy to BC and Canada. Ross died in March 2009.