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Tag: Deceased

Tab Shori

Born in Vancouver in 1936 to parents from Tibet and India, Tab Shori, accompanied by his sister Smitra, played violin and guitar at an early age as ‘Bobby Soxers’ at local events. In his early 20’s, encouraged by watching the Ed Sullivan Talent Show, he became the lead guitarist for the “Hi-Fives” a well-known multi-racial…
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Peter Rolston

Those of us who grew up in the Lower Mainland remember fondly witnessing Peter Rolston’s talent as a comedian, magician and ventriloquist on local television programs. In 1960, the year BCTV was born as CHAN TV, Geoff Theobald engaged him as a recurring novelty performer in Fun Fair, the live Saturday kids’ show. As a…
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Rai Purdy

Born Horatio John Purdy in England, he moved to Toronto in 1913. In 1929 he became a member of the Hart House Theatre Company, studying with Dora Mavor Moore and appearing, often in leading roles in Ontario Drama Festivals. In 1931, becoming known as Rai Purdy, he joined CFRB radio and was soon, Head of…
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Barney O’Sullivan

Barney O’Sullivan’s life spanned a hundred year history in Vancouver! It began in 1908 when his father came to Canada from Ireland to seek his fortune. After the birth of two daughters, Bridget and Sydney, O’Sullivan’s wife became a playwright and director. One day when she needed an actor to fill a role, she asked…
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Michael Noon

Michael began his career as an architect, graduating with honours from Manchester University. He emigrated to Toronto, as a Campus Planner for such organizations as Ryerson Polytechnic and the Ontario College of Art. Noon then joined Ontario’s Ministry of Culture and Recreation, where he served as Executive Director of its Culture Division. Michael became General…
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