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Tag: Inducted 2016

Carole Tarlington

Carole Tarlington has worked as a director, author, teacher, talent agent, casting director, and drama consultant. Co-Founder of the award-winning Vancouver Youth Theatre, she has created plays with young people that have toured Canada as well as internationally. A well-known speaker and workshop leader, she has worked in North America, Australia, England and Japan, and…
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Tab Shori

Born in Vancouver in 1936 to parents from Tibet and India, Tab Shori, accompanied by his sister Smitra, played violin and guitar at an early age as ‘Bobby Soxers’ at local events. In his early 20’s, encouraged by watching the Ed Sullivan Talent Show, he became the lead guitarist for the “Hi-Fives” a well-known multi-racial…
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Rai Purdy

Born Horatio John Purdy in England, he moved to Toronto in 1913. In 1929 he became a member of the Hart House Theatre Company, studying with Dora Mavor Moore and appearing, often in leading roles in Ontario Drama Festivals. In 1931, becoming known as Rai Purdy, he joined CFRB radio and was soon, Head of…
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Ian McDougall

Trombonist and composer Ian McDougall was born in Calgary in 1938, the son of George McDougall, a banjo and guitar player in Calgary during the 1920s. The younger McDougall took up trombone at age eleven in Victoria, B.C. and began playing in bands at age 12. In 1960, he went to England, where he was…
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Diane Loomer

Born in St. Paul Minnesota in 1940 and raised in a musical family, Diane Loomer received her BA from Gustavus Adolphus College.  After teaching high school math and English in the USA and Germany, she relocated to Vancouver in the mid-1970’s. She began her studies in music theory, piano and voice at Douglas College, transferring…
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