Vic Waters was born September 9, 1918. Vic started in radio in 1938. He was taking a wireless-telegraphy course at Sprott-Shaw and was asked by an instructor as to whether he could copy Morse code at 35 words per minute and he said “yes”. CJOR wanted to be first with unchallenged accuracy in its reporting of what was going on in the world. The copy was couriered by motorcycle for an 8 o’clock morning news broadcast. One of the important chores linked to his job was that he first turned the transmitter on at 5:45 am. He only worked at one station, which is uncommon in the broadcast field, and he worked with the best. After WW2 broke out Waters enlisted and served 4 years. Following service to his country, he returned to what he knew best, radio. Vic said in those days that no recorded music was played between 7:30 and 11pm – so the station featured entertaining programs throughout the evening. The CJOR Radio Theatre could handle a 16-piece orchestra and Vic made many broadcasts from that location. He held most positions within the production side of radio, studio operator, news editor, engineer, program director, talk show host, and announcer In 1969 Waters retired. His day of doing everything for that one station was over. He had been the glue for nearly thirty years. Vic died Aug. 19, 2008.