Norman Young is a legendary figure in the British Columbia entertainment world. He is a renowned local theatre historian and teacher. After graduating from UBC, Young worked as an actor, production manager and design director for various theatre companies and the CBC in Ottawa, Toronto, Vancouver and London, England. He returned to UBC as technical director of the new theatre department in 1961 and retired after 30 years of service. Young is a UBC Professor Emeritus, Co/Founder of the BC Entertainment Hall of Fame, and Honorary Vice-President of PAL Vancouver. Norman has a longstanding involvement in theatre, academics and the volunteer community. He is a Past Chair of the BC Entertainment Hall of Fame, Director of Crusaids Canada and Organizer of 50 Years of Freddy Wood at UBC. Norman is a former member of Canada Council, Chair of the BC Arts Board and the Vancouver Civic Theatres Board. He is a founder of the BC Arts Festival, and has been a Director of the Vancouver Museum, The Vancouver Playhouse Theatre Company, the Vancouver Archives, and the Vancouver Children’s Festival. He is a Member of the Vancouver Foundation Cultural Grants Committee, and a fundraiser at the BC Paraplegic Association.